...a.k.a. "Little Hook".
Year in and year out, I saw this in a little ad in the pages of Model Railroader magazine and always wanted to assemble one myself...

...November 1960 ad...
What better way to celebrate another mile marker in my mortality, my first pair of bifocals, than with an intricate, board-by-board kit like this...

Waw! A product from 1960 still available somewhere, on a little shop around the corner? Or have it from the internet? It's great, anyway...
Gotta see this crane ready to work... :)
Yes, Chris...I got it from a man who is selling off his old kits he no longer wants. This one jumped out and bit me right in the wallet... ;-) I had one before that someone else assembled, I repaired and touched it up, then gave it to a friend for his layout. Now I get to do it my way from the start...
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