Got this a couple weeks back in a trade with one of the members of a forum I am a part of with the idea of modifying it with close coupling and Favely pantographs. The idea of Amtrak trying out a Bullet Train over here is not far fetched at all as they tried several different foreign locomotives and trains in the early daze of service. The weak point on this model is the awful gap between cars... measures out at 8 scale feet. Three feet is more prototypical but, with 20" radius curves, would I be able to do it? Fortunately, it was quite easy, the truck casting literally having the cut line cast into it. By mounting a stand Kadee #5 box to a small brass strip, I got 3' of coupling space AND found it can easily traverse my 20" curves AND not hit freight cars on the adjoining track...Note that I found that a Rivarossi Hudson tender wheelset is a drop in fit. Being metal, it's a much better setup for the train...I only need 5 more...sigh...

Here is is, installed and setting on a 20" curve...

...a side-by-side comparison of the old and new gaps...

...the finished train...

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