...one of my first from about 18 years ago. Its base is a frame, front wheels and stake body from a very cheaply made toy truck of no known make. Can you believe the stake bed was chrome plated!? I added the cab of an old Tyco truck and the rear axles off of an Athearn 45' trailer. Assorted kibbles and bits were used for the remainder of the details including the wheels off of a discarded N scale car...

It now graces the MOW shed on the Gulf Coast and Western Railroad.
hi my friend. your blog is really good. I wanna insert your url in my website, but I need to know where are you from ( country ) and your name.
Regards from Chile
richard mancilla mena
I appreciate the kind words. My onscreen name is Br'er Shaygetz and I'm from the USA. Blessings, B
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