...pretty much an HO industry standard until the introduction of horn/hooks...look carefully at pictures in any pre '65 or so model mag and you'll see that many folks used them....

You opened them by pushing these uncoupling pins up from underneath with a ramp or a tool called a "spoon"...
This box I purchased at last week's train show was pristine from one end to the other, the metal looks brand new. It's bare zinc, as I prefer it over other peoples paint jobs when I buy old school stuff like this, so I can show newcomers their hobby's roots.
Note that this Mantua 0-4-0 Booster has 2 wheel pick up---2 WHEELS...the other two being nylon. You had to be pretty faithful to the hobby to keep with it as balky as this thing had to be on that old school brass track...note the solid metal saddletanks to aid in power pickup. Even then, there was no way it could make it through Atlas Tru-Track with its plastic switch frogs...as soon as one wheel touched, the current flow would stop immediately.

The full valve gear would have been purchased as an aftermarket kit...an item I knew about but, until now, had never seen an original one, though there have been plenty of copies made by a variety of manufacturers since.

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