...and they were well worth the wait. Micro-Trains did an outstanding job on them and the black paint makes for an eye catching car in a consist.

It started out as an idea that many forums play with but only N Scale.org pulled it off that I know of. It is the fruit of four individuals including one who forked over some serious coin to make it a reality.
I rarely buy new cars and the final price came close to my upper limit on a locomotive purchase, much less a car. As a rule, I rarely have the funds for this kind of purchase, they just came around at a time when I could do it. In the end, the reason I purchased two of them was to show my appreciation to the guys who put it together, especially the one who put it all on the line with his own money. You don't often find someone who'll put out like that in a venture that could ultimately bite them in the hinder parts.
If you are interested in one (limit three), become a member and then place your order. It won't be too long before they'll go up in price so now's the time to do it.
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