I've just finished remotoring it with, of all things, a motor salvaged from a CD ROM drive. It's actually not too hard, one needs only to open up the cavity where the armature and magnets used to be and slip it in, making sure it is both parallel and centered on the casting. You'll have to open up the hole in the small shaft gear to the size of the motor shaft, making sure it is a snug, push on fit...

It fits quite well in the original frame and provides a much smoother running locomotive with the motor's built in flywheel action...

And don't sob if you destroy the small shaft gear as I did when I tried to drill it out for a second power truck remotor. I simply trimmed a large gear down from a scrapped drive, rounded it off and flipped it face down onto the motor shaft after drilling it to the right size. It works great and gives it a flywheel similar to a John Deere Model "D" tractor...

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