A true rail festival there... Was only one scale? I guess there were lots of G scale things (I did see on internet that in Germany are lots of garden model trains and layouts, this is why I think there in Baton Rouge club was some G's too). That little draisine it's very sweet, but made me think about the 30s... is this a running-on-track whiskey distillery draisine? :D
They all run on 45mm gauged track---but---there are at least three scale sizes. G, which is 1:22.5 scale, 1:24 scale...that makes the track scale out to 3 foot gauge. Then there's #1 gauge, 1:32 scale, making the track scale out to 4' 8.5".
I like the draisine myself...you can find them here>>> http://www.ministeam.com/acatalog/Hielscher.html
Good to hear from you, my friend. I pray this finds you and yours well in the Lord. Blessings, BC
Just a Believer who happens to model trains on a very tight budget, providing a place to showcase my own model work as well as the work of others, regardless of type. Considerations for posting are always welcome. Please check out the modeling links I've put together as well...
Less than God could not have borne your sin so as to put it away; but the infinitely glorious Son of God did actually stoop to become a sin-bearer. I wonder how I can talk of it as I do.
It is a truth scarcely to be declared in words. It wants flame and blood and tears with which to tell this story of an offended God, the Heaven-Maker and the Earth-Creator, stooping from his glory that he might save the reptiles which had dared to insult his honor and to rebel against his glory; and, becoming one of them, to suffer for them, that without violation of his law he might have pity upon the offending things — things so inconsiderable that if he had stamped them all out, as men burn a nest of wasps, there had been no loss to the universe. But he had pity on them, and became one of them, and bare their sins. Oh, love ye him; adore ye him; let your souls climb up to the right hand of the majesty above, this morning, and there bow down in lowliest reverence and adoring affection, that he, the God over all, whom you had offended, should his own self bear our sins.
Though thus God over all, he became a man like unto ourselves; a body was prepared for him, and that body, mark you, not prepared alone, and made like to man but not of man. No, he was not otherwise fashioned than ourselves, he came into the world as we also come, born of a woman, a child of a mother, to hang upon a woman’s breast; not merely like to man, but man, born in the pedigree of manhood, and so bone of our bone and flesh of our flesh, yet without a taint of sin. And he, in that double nature but united person, was Jesus, Son of God and Son of the Virgin; he it was who “bare our sins in his own body on the tree.”
From a sermon by Charles Haddon Spurgeon entitled "Death For Sin, And Death To Sin," delivered November 16, 1873.
Men, protect your daughters....
“Picture this: Some 17 year old snot nosed punk comes over to take out your daughter, and you say, 'No you aren't worthy of her.' (Immediately everyone is up in arms over your 'judgmental' and 'harsh' position, and for 'breaking your daughter’s heart.') Ok, so let's put it another way now: You have a beautiful, brand new $200,000 Ferrari Testarossa in front of your house, and a snot nosed 17 year old punk comes over to take it for a spin. Would you hand him the keys? See, what your problem is, is that you value a car more than your daughter. Men, protect your daughters!”
My sole purpose for this blog is to lift up the Gospel of Jesus Christ and Him Crucified on a no nonsense, no ad platform showcasing my work and the work of other modelers, and to practice my hobby with the world behind me, the Cross before me and Kingdom of God in sight. All Scripture is quoted from the King James Version of the Bible as I have found on my own that there is none more faithful to the original languages. Unless otherwise noted, all text and photographs are mine. Old ads and product reviews are respectfully posted in good faith that any copyright privileges are not being infringed upon, with no intent to profit or disparage in any way and will be removed upon request of their respective holders.
I am not sponsored or endorsed by any hobby vendor or publisher, thus my faith as presented is my own and not to be inferred on them or on the owners and modelers presented in any way.
I do not accept solicitations for links. Videos are linked from You Tube and Photobucket and are the property of their respective owners/producers. If any of the videos or pictures used are yours and you do not wish to have them associated with this blog, please notify me and I will remove them.
Because life's lottery has unfairly distributed technical skills and knowledge among folks, leaving more than a few with the mechanical aptitude of a grape, and very few with the fortitude to take responsibility for their actions, you take your life, family and house into your own hands if you follow through with any technical advise offered on this blog.
To European Union readers, as far as I know, no cookies or other data are gathered here, nothing on my part anyway.
A true rail festival there... Was only one scale? I guess there were lots of G scale things (I did see on internet that in Germany are lots of garden model trains and layouts, this is why I think there in Baton Rouge club was some G's too).
That little draisine it's very sweet, but made me think about the 30s... is this a running-on-track whiskey distillery draisine? :D
They all run on 45mm gauged track---but---there are at least three scale sizes. G, which is 1:22.5 scale, 1:24 scale...that makes the track scale out to 3 foot gauge. Then there's #1 gauge, 1:32 scale, making the track scale out to 4' 8.5".
I like the draisine myself...you can find them here>>> http://www.ministeam.com/acatalog/Hielscher.html
Good to hear from you, my friend. I pray this finds you and yours well in the Lord. Blessings, BC
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