...from the 1970s. They would provide you with all the basics for a kitbash, the rest was up to you. You could even build a static 2-4-4-2 saddletank logger from one of their kits and, of course, some enterprising sprite with a lot of talent powered one, outlined in the Jan./Feb. '87 Railroad Model Craftsman magazine. My plow was a partially built one found in a box lot that I finished with whatever kibbles and bits I could muster frm the scrap bin.
I don't know about you, but I'm ready for some snow...

Shaygetz, I've been looking for the last two weeks for a HOn3 2-4-4-2 3-in1 kit...do you know anybody who has a kit they could spare? I'll check this post for your reply.
Let me put it this way...first one there gets one. ;-P
They're as hard to come by as a kit can get but they can be found. It was one of their last "Three-in-One" kits so I suspect there are not as many out there as we'd hope.
Here's to a good hunt...
Hello Shaygetz, You don't know me but I stumbled across you site here by accident and I just want to thank you. I am a 26 year old who joined a city model club shortly after watching WOTM season 1 and 2. I am not just going off on WOTM but I want to thank you and Him who put the desire on you, for setting up this site. I gets me when I see God giving others the passion to share their faith. I have been a "Christian" for years but only recently seen that even if I continue to sin, he saves sinner. I thought I needed to do the work of believing in him and then maintain my salvation after as well. Christ brings freedom and faith for those who can't do it themselves. Praise Christ for his payment, God for sending him, and the Spirit for giving me faith to believe.
Again I read and appreciate you site.
Thank you for your kind words. It has been only recently that I've understood that "we overcome by the Blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony" includes my model train hobby.
Blessings, grace and peace to you and yours, BC
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