..."copperheads" to those of us who've been in the hobby awhile, the older units from the 60s and 70s anyway. MRC has been a trusted source of power for model trains for a long time. When I first got into the hobby, you knew if a fellow modeler in the after school club was serious if you saw one of these peeking out from under their bench work. At 2-4 amperes output, one of these would send those can motored, flywheeled shelf queens from Kato squealing home to mama.

These are mine, they have their original boxes and paperwork and were purchased over the last 3 years as NIB items that were never used. Not bad for being 35-40 years old already, they provide all the power I will ever need.

November 1971 ad from Model Railroader magazine.

April 1978 ad from MR.
Nice old ads. Like stepping back in time.
Yes, it is fun to wax nostalgic---most of my modeling literature is from those halcyon daze of yore---but, as Solomon said, it isn't wise to look back and say, "Ah, the good old days.", so I try to keep it in perspective.
Good to see you writing again, I pray this finds you well in the Lord and at peace. Blessings, grace and peace, BC
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