The definition of poverty in America is a rather loose one. My car is 14 years old, I rent and I make several thousand less a year than the powers that be say I should therefore we fall within that definition---in the eyes of some. As one who sponsors missionaries in a third world nation, the picture of my two children, warm, dry, fed, healthy and gleefully tearing through their small pile of presents, was not one of poverty. Because we don't spend a whole lot or allow requests for a particular gift or buy big ticket items, our children could not tell you from one year to the next how we were doing financially based on what lay under the tree.
This year, like most, found my beloved and I facing whether we'd allow ourselves any gifts, preferring to have a little more under the tree for our children. Unlike years past though, there were no last second "rescues" and thus no gifts. However, with a son bouncing off the walls, light saber in one hand, Nerf gun in the other, and a daughter vibrating from the excitement of landing an impossible to find doll and her own mp3 player, one would be hard pressed to say that we had no "gifts" for each other yesterday.
Then my beloved and her mom ran off to the bedroom with a twinkle in their eyes. Out they came with a large something covered with a blanket. Pulling it away, I found my wife had, on her own, made a custom fitted cover for my diorama, using foam core art board, hot glue and some aluminum angle. My artwork had been taking a serious beating lately (note the church steeple and the trees behind it), enough that I pondered dismantling it to save what was left. Now it is protected and freestanding, with velcro securing it on all four corners...

Pictures don't do it justice, it really is a well built, tight fitting lightweight cover that will allow me to bring my work to local train shows, as well as keep it protected as I use it for a photo set.
And yes...I got to sneak in some of her favorite dried dates and candies...I kinda pity those who only got what they wanted this year.
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