...this has been a welcome treat. I burned myself out sometime back on how-tos that greatly affected my desire to do modeling of any substance. I think I'm coming out of that funk...

...what do you think?
UPDATE: A fellow modeler rightly asks to see the base kit before my modifications. It is originally one of two that come in a kit from Model Power. I removed the front and right sides. Other than removing the small corner glue point on the right, there were no other modifications made to the basic kit.

As with most of my bashes, I go for what looks right and use few fixed measurements. If you're interested in doing something similar, I can give you a few basic dimensions to run with but that's about it. I hope this helps you along should you decide to do it yourself. You can follow it's progress in a more detailed manner over at the N Scale forum under sleeper33's "A tribute to MEDMAN (I was thinking)".
I hope you are recovering well - I had the same problem a few years ago..
The model is coming along quite well, but I was hoping to see a picture of the original kit before you started making changes. Do you have a link that shows the original?
It looks like you are on the way back to some more helpful modeling for us amateurs!
Thank you, yes I'm doing fine and hope to be back to work replacing outgo with income shortly.
I've since added the pictures for you. Blessings, BC
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