One of the hazards of doing a project is the effect it can have on previous work.
My N scale layout was given to me by a retired architect and the evidence of his craft is everywhere. The street are perfectly laid out as only an architect can, using various scenic items available to that trade. The buildings are not weathered and nicely assembled. While not accurate in every way---the sidewalks are a glaring example---it has a certain charm that I cannot in good conscience violate. In short, should this man or any of his relatives come by, I want them to recognize his work.
---But--- is now my layout and I am going to personalize it with some of my own additions, only with the idea that they don't take away from the original. I've added several light effects including traffic lights, working police flashers and welding effects.
With the pharmacy project completed, one thing that had to go was the wide sidewalks to either end of merchant's row as seen in the final picture of Feinstein's. I found that by moving both ends out, it gave me a space a little over an inch wide to drop a small shop in between. With that, a small pizzeria named after my two children was born, cobbled together from the scrap box with HO scale windows glued side by side and other scrap bits...

It still awaits paint and a sign but it definitely takes merchant's row in the right direction without compromising the layout builder's style. The narrower sidewalk looks much better and now the kids have a place named for them as well. ain't lived until you've heard the words, "Uh oh." in a child like voice, coming from the vicinity of your trains.

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