Based on drawings of a locomotive that was never built, does that make the model a prototype?

Busy pulling 11 cars up a grade, you wouldn't think that I was trying to all but give this thing away for about 4 months. Bought with the cars in the train for $10 in a junk box lot, I cleaned and lubed it and set in on the track, where upon it buzzed gleefully for about half a lap---then stopped dead. I couldn't get another squeak out of it no matter what I did---pulled it apart 3 times---, it was stone cold dead. So it sat in a corner of my bench to be occasionally glared at really hard for four months.
One day last week I picked it up, put it on the track and off it went---no explanations or reasons---just up and went...and it's been running like a watch for dozens of laps ever since...sigh...
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