Given to me some time back by a former modeler, I'm slowly working my way towards doing some airbrush painting. Since Millers are a non-bleeder type setup and moisture is the number one enemy of a good paint job, I've installed an air regulator purchased from Global Auto Accessories.

Now to find a good, inexpensive airbrush...
Greetings and congratulations on your blog.
I inherited a 2000 Miller several yesterdays ago. I wanted to restore it but unfortunately the engine, the compressor soul suffered a malfunction. I would ask for support and see if you can give an idea where can I replace it the little engine power? Or, what else about the characteristics of the electric motor option could replace it? I live in Mexico City. Which departments would be those who can bring me to replace the engine.
PD. Originally the 2000 Miller was black or you have it repainted? (I loved the design and adaptation of the gauge). I apologise for my english, there is a long time that I left to practice. Also, as don't left to many comments to bloggers, I didn't know if my comment was lived, the e-net ask me a new window and recomend me to leave "my comment".
This was brand new, never used but almost 40 years old when I got it. I can't imagine where you can find parts for it. Good luck in your hunt though...
I have one in working condition and am willing to sell. I live in Perry Georgia it is a Miller 2000 model with all the parts and a spray gun
I don't know if you found the parts but, I have a new one, still in the box, I took it out six months ago and was working fine.
I was going to try to sell it on ebay, maybe you want to buy it?
Thank you.
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