...spent last weekend just catching up on some long on the back burner projects...

Built by a long gone modeler, this is an Ambroid B&M plow that I received as a throw in with a box lot I bought at a swap meet 3 years ago. It was filled with about one hundred 10 penny nails (?) for weight. I removed those, added weight just behind the front truck and under the blade, added the missing ladder and smoke stack and then touched up its original paint applied by the first owner/builder.

This is a Walther's Russel Plow that was in yet another junk box. Over the past four years, I replaced the missing horns, carved off the cast on grabs and added wire ones, replacing the broken stirrups as well. It has a working strobe and headlight that run off of batteries and are controlled by onboard switches. It will probably be another four years before I paint it...sigh...
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