One of the things I do to all of my rolling stock is change over the plastic wheelsets for metal. The rolling action of metal to metal is a natural track cleaner, and the sound itself is quite pleasing.
Unfortunately, the price of aftermarket wheelsets can often exceed the price of the car, limiting me to what I can scrounge in a box lot or bargain at a local swap meet. Fortunately for me this go 'round, I found myself with a large quantity of the older Rivarossi wheelsets with nickle silver wheels, the type they used up until the mid-1960s...a drop-in fit for the later cars...

A little work with some Goo Gone on the treads and a spin into a Bright Boy block to clean up the needle point axle ends and my train was quietly swishing around the loop. Sure the flanges are deep enough to cut a Sicilian pizza with the works, but free is free and that's fine with me...
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