...as for me and my house, a quiet one (as quiet as 5 kids will allow anyway).
My desire for the coming year is to continue to use modeling as a vehicle to propagate the Gospel of Jesus Christ and His atoning sacrifice on the Cross, on behalf of a hopelessly lost humanity, through regular posting of Scripture, personal testimonies and trusted links to other sound teachers and brethren.
Blessings, grace and peace, Br'er Shaygetz

May God make you drive well this vehicle (the modeling), it's the only one blog/site that I found so far that has together this two domains: God and trains. I'm sure He gave you the driving license...
Have a Happy New Year, sir, in joy and faith with your family. God bless!
PS - Here's a post on my blog... a song that I shared with some people that lost in 2009 someone beloved. I did listen to it and... I don't know, it's dedicated to you, too - just replace the word "Father" with "mother" when listen. I did it thinking of my mother... may God keep yours and mine well.
Thank you, blessings, grace and peace to you and yours, B
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