This one was part of a box lot and is one of the early 70s models with the mechanism built by Rivarossi.
I usually don't hesitate to purchase locomotives that don't run as 99 times out of one hundred, I'm able to rescue them. Burned out motors are actually rare. More often they are simply gummed up from age and use and are easily made to run again. This one however, was packed in a granular styrofoam powder that resembled laundry soap. It left an even finer dust that got everywhere in the mechanism, essentially ruining it and the motor of another locomotive that came with it.
After a thorough cleaning, I did my usual bench running to test it. It ran fine, then stopped dead. It will not run until I put a full 12 volt jolt to it. Once placed on the track, it sits there mocking me like some mechanical school yard punk. In short, it has successfully lined itself up as the next candidate for any moon shots I can put together.

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