The barn loft haul has yielded 8 running locomotives and 20 complete cars thus far, all for the price of just the postage to get them here. Luck really has nothing to do with my bargain finds. Part of my success lies in seeing treasures in a day when few in the hobby want anything outside of flawlessly ready to run and protypically accurate. Another part lies in my willingness and ability to tinker and to understand the limitations of certain models, some simply have to be appreciated for what they are or meant in their place in the hobby.
There is however, a more sinister secret to my success...legions of arachnids and insects who travel the world claiming neglected models for me. The skeletal remains of one of my faithful sentinels came be found still in its field tent standing watch over this locomotive...a mute witness to their tenacity and zeal...Muah hah hah hah hah...

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