One of the most annoying trends in the hobby, to me anyway, is sound equipped locomotives. My first introduction to this marvel of technology was in a club house setting. The owner of said marvel felt it necessary to step out for a smoke---no problem to me, I chuffed many a cig in my day. The problem was that he left his little engineering masterpiece, an A-B-B-A set of E8s, idling in the yard...for a half hour...with the bell going. I was desperately in search of a brick, sporting a nervous tick that I still carry to this day, when he came back lost in his nicotine high, oblivious to the carnage he had wrought on my auditory faculties.
My counter to this has been inexpensive yet priceless. Every time one of these high dollar marvels starts to pillage my audio sensibilities and grate my nerves, I whip out this old school throw back, a steam sound car made by IHC some time ago. I find it most effective lashed up to my Athearn C44-9Ws for a fantastic "You Are There" type audio experience.

It's done wonders for my nervous tick... Oh, the sticker? That's my boy's see, there's a kindred spirit in the club. He's got one just like mine so my boy thought the sticker would help us figure out whose is who's at the end of a run.
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